LicenseType: CurrentCourseUrl: CurrentCourseID: fullname222: licensenumber222: licensetype222: calledfunction: currentcourseimageid: licensekey:

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If you’ve forgotten your password, never created one, or you’re having trouble logging in to your account, go to the reset password page.

Enter the email address you used to purchase the course, then click Reset Password. A link to reset your password will be emailed to the address.

Tip: Reset passwords links are one time use only, they also expire after a period of time.

You have received the reset email, but the link doesn’t work:
  • If you’ve requested a reset link more than once, make sure you’re referencing the most recent email.
  • You may need to disable your email service’s mail scanner or link preview, which could make the link expire before you open it.
Using the Course

The timer works by tracking how long you have spent in the course. The timer tracks in 10 second intervals. You will need to reload the page to see the updated time. If this timer is not working correctly disable all browser extensions. If the timer is still not working, take the course with the Google Chrome browser.

  • Is it Sunday between 9am and 5pm? TDLR verification servers are under maintenance most Sundays from 9am to 5pm. While we are unable check with TDLR we cannot verify that your License Number is valid. Come back later!
  • Enter just the numbers in your License Number. For example, if your License Number is AAA1111222E, enter just 1111222.
  • Check for typos in your License Number
  • Make sure you didn’t enter your Driver License number!
  • Your License Number may not eligible for continuing education credit
  • Still can’t get it to work? Contact us.

You still need to complete the final section titled, ‘Submit Your TDLR License Information.’

To be able to complete this section you need to have spent the minimum amount of time that is required by the TDLR inside of the course.

Review the previous lessons until you have met the minimum time requirement, then go back to enter and confirm your license number.

Course access expires 6 months after purchase per our Terms of Service.

If you do not complete your course in 6 months, no refunds will be given and no additional access will be granted.

TDLR Reporting

Your results will be sent within 72 hours after course completion. To verify your results have been sent you can check the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Continuing Education Courses Look Up page, View Your Completed Courses

Check that the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation received your information with this link:

[Make sure to click the ‘View All Courses’ button to see that we reported your course completion]

Please remember it may take up to 72 hours after you complete the course for your license to be reported to the TDLR.

For a step-by-step guide, visit this page:

Yes! You can verify our license to provide continuing education courses on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation website:

Certificate of Completion
Did you accidentally enter the wrong name or license number at the end of the course? Contact us and we’ll fix it. If we have already reported the license number to TDLR there is an an additional $10 fee for mistyped license numbers.

Don’t worry! Go to your course page and you will be able to download it again.

This course does not renew your license, you still need to renew your license with the TDLR.

The Certificate of Completion is available for online download only, and is not mailed to you.

Billing and Refunds

To be eligible for a refund your purchase must have been within the last 30 days and the course must not have been completed. If you complete the course you are no longer eligible for a refund.

If you are eligible to request a refund (Purchase within the last 30 days and course is not completed). Fill this form out: Refunds take 5 – 10 days to process.

Go to this page to view your purchase receipts.

Still need help?

There are many issues that can be resolved on their own. Here in the Help Center, you’ll find immediate answers to questions on popular topics like TDLR reporting, certificate issues, and refunds. Chances are the answer to your question is here. If you still need assistance, contact us directly by sending us a message.

LicenseKey: CurrentCourseUrl: CurrentCourseID: licensenumber222: licensetype222: